Newtown Hotels & AccommodationAustralia Sunrise Lodge
Newtown InformationHomeNewtown Local Business InfoBusiness Index Newtown Information
1 Geography
2 History
2.1 Early years
2.2 Early 20th century
2.3 1970s
2.4 1980s and later
3 Population statistics
4 Transport
5 Politics
6 Local events and culture
6.1 Live music
6.2 Newtown Festival
6.3 Newtown Jets
7 External links
Newtown Bed and Breakfast Sydney
Newtown Hotels & Accommodation
Newtown postcode 2042 is a suburb in the Inner West of Sydney, in the state of New South Wales, Australia.
From the 1970s, as the postwar population prospered, raised families and aged, many moved to outlying suburbs to build larger houses. As longtime residents retired or died, this opened up a supply of picturesque and relatively cheap terrace houses and cottages for rental by students, creating a new social phenomenon, student share-housing.
Many university students who moved into the area fell in love with the area's Victorian charm, its easy-going Bohemian atmosphere and the abundance and diversity of cheap, high-quality eating places -- many young Sydneysiders enjoyed their first tastes of Lebanese, Italian and Thai food here. After these students graduated and moved into the workforce, many decided to buy houses in the area, leading to a gradual process of gentrification.
Like other similar inner Sydney suburbs—most notably Paddington and Glebe—this trend has led to another significant shift in Newtown's demographics, and a remarkable renewal of its former prestige. Inevitably, this has led to a dramatic increase in property values (which have more than trebled in value in the last ten years) and growing pressure to "redevelop" many historic properties and buildings. Many residents are becoming increasingly concerned about the pressure and pace of development in the area and the huge influx of new residents as developers rush to convert former factories, warehouses and other industrial and commercial buildings into multi-apartment developments.
There is also growing concern about a related trend which has seen unscrupulous developers acquire the few remaining free-standing houses in the district, some of which are among the oldest in the area. In the case of several of these properties, developers have acquired them and have then found that they are unable to demolish and redevelop them due to the council's heritage by-laws. This has led to several of these historic houses being deliberately left open and derelict, with the predictable result that a number of them have been destroyed by arson.
Like many Sydney suburbs, the northern end of Newtown (closer to the University and the city) is considered the more prestigious, with house prices and rents in this part of town often significantly higher than those for similar properties in South Newtown, Enmore or St Peters.
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